Wellness Warriors Take on Lockdown
Utilising a mix of search, display and social advertising, we have seen many positive trends since starting work with the team. Want to see a snapshot?
- 7% increase in product revenue
- 20% in transactions
- 71% increase in user visits
- 50% increase in pageviews
We also worked with the Puraz team on utilising email marketing to their valued database of customers. For a company that focuses on nurturing memberships, it is important to stay relevant, valuable and in touch to nurture relationships and generate conversions. Snippets of success include:
- 44% increase in website sessions
- 32% increase in time on site
- 41% increase in transactions
- 74% increase in revenue
- 64% increase in emails directly relating to a sale
…And then Lockdown hit. Thankfully, Puraz trusted the need to remain bold and visible and we continued on with marketing strategy and digital visibility throughout Lockdown. Lockdown brought unprecedented ground and the worry it caused amongst most led to the cut of marketing budget and a fear induced freeze state. However, with people at home and searching for content and product more than ever, remaining strong during this time was a must in order to retain and potentially even grow market share. As a provide or health products, Puraz were able to keep their eshop active. As expected, the results were fantastic and the decision to continue with digital marketing proved correct.
Lockdown Lowdown
Comparing the first 24 days of Level 4 Lockdown (Mar25-Apr17) to the previous 24 (Mar1-Mar24)
- 47% increase in website sessions
- 69% increase in number of pageviews
- 97% in website key goal conversions
- 31% increase from channels not connected to marketing (organic search, unknown)
- 60% increase in visitors via Google Search advertising with website goal conversions doubling and revenue almost tripling
- 27% increase in transactions via the monthly e-newsletter
- 2X the amount of visitors via Facebook advertising
Puraz retained and even grew their share of voice over the last few weeks by sticking to strategy, adapting where needed and trusting in their brand. We were stoked to be a part of the journey and can not wait to see what the next few weeks bring.
Have you been revaluating your digital activity? Would you like advice on how you can play in this space? We love nothing more than grabbing a coffee and chatting all things digital. Give us a call and let’s see how we can work together to grow your digital presence and build on your return.